Analysts Ratings Coverage
STA Research (Rank#24) has assigned a “Speculative Buy” rating to the stock, setting a target price of CAD 21 as of 11/20/2023.
Scotia Capital (Rank#7) has adjusted its target down to CAD 20 from $21, while maintaining a “Sector Perform” rating on the same date.
Altius Minerals Stock Analysis
According to the consensus of 6 analysts, Altius Minerals Corporation is expected to have an average target price of CAD 23.46 over the next 12 months. The prevailing sentiment among analysts is categorized as “Buy,” indicating a positive outlook for the corporation’s future performance.
Stock Target Advisor’s internal analysis of Altius Minerals Corporation provides a Slightly Bullish outlook. This assessment is based on 11 positive signals and 7 negative signals identified through their proprietary analysis.
As of the last closing, the stock price of Altius Minerals Corporation was CAD 18.93. The stock has experienced slight fluctuations, with a marginal decline of -0.63% over the past week. However, over the past month, there has been a more notable decrease of -7.02%. Looking at a broader timeframe, the stock has seen a decline of -12.85% over the last year.

STA Research ( is a independent Investment Research company that specializes in stock forecasting and analysis with integrated AI, based on our platform, EST 2007.