Filo Mining Corp Stock Forecast:
Based on the forecasts of nine analysts, Filo Mining Corp is expected to have an average target price of CAD 29.91 in the next 12 months. The average rating given to the company by the analysts is Strong Buy. However, Stock Target Advisor‘s analysis of Filo Mining Corp’s stock is Bearish, based on two positive signals and five negative signals. Currently, the stock is trading at CAD 19.57, which is lower than the predicted target price. The stock price has declined by 0.51% over the past week and 15.50% over the past month, but has increased by 16.07% over the last year.
Analysts Coverage Change:
- TD Securities maintains a “Speculative Buy” rating for Filo Mining Corp and lowers the target price to $30 from $32.
- MKM Partners Assigns a “Buy” rating and sets a target price of $27 for the company’s stock.
Positive Fundamentals:
Investors like Filo Mining Corp. stock due to its high market capitalization, which indicates greater stability, and its superior risk-adjusted returns compared to its peers, making it a top performer in its sector over a hold period of at least 12 months.
Negative Fundamentals:
Filo Mining Corp stock shows high volatility, overpriced compared to book value, negative cash flow, negative free cash flow, and low earnings growth. The stock has shown above median volatility and below median earnings growth in the past 5 years compared to its sector. Additionally, the stock is trading at a higher price to book value compared to its peers. Furthermore, the company has had negative total cash flow and negative total free cash flow in the most recent four quarters. Investors should have high-risk tolerance for investing in such a stock.
FA Score (Fundamental Analysis):
The fundamental analysis of Filo Mining Corp. is “Bearish” with a FA score of 2.9 out of 10, where 0 is very bearish and 10 is very bullish.