Following its triumph as the most-watched show of 2022, with over 52 billion minutes streamed, the popular Netflix series “Stranger Things” will receive an animated spin-off. The original show’s creators, the Duffer brothers, reacted enthusiastically to the news, expressing their desire for an animated series in the manner of the Saturday morning cartoons they watched as children.
Netflix Stock Forecast:
Despite the positive news, investors may need to temper their expectations, as Wall Street analysts believe Netflix stock (NFLX:NSD) is currently overvalued by less than 5%. Despite this, analysts rate Netflix stock as a Moderate Buy, with 17 Buy ratings, 16 Hold ratings, and two Sell ratings assigned over the past three months.
Company Profile:
Netflix, Inc. provides entertainment services. It offers TV series, documentaries, feature films, and mobile games across various genres and languages.
The company provides members the ability to receive streaming content through a host of internet-connected devices, including TVs, digital video players, television set-top boxes, and mobile devices. The company has approximately 231 million paid members in 190 countries. Netflix, Inc. was incorporated in 1997 and is headquartered in Los Gatos, California.