Analyst Ratings Coverage
Scotia Capital (Rank #9 of 341) released their research report today, updating their coverage on Teck Resources stock. The analyst maintained their “Outperform” rating on the stock, and kept their 12 month price target at $72 per share.
STA Research (analyst rank #43 of 341) released their research report today, updating their coverage on Teck’s stock. The analyst maintained their “Hold” rating on the mining stock, and maintained their 12 month price target forecast at $57 per share.
Teck Resources Stock Forecast & Analysis
The analysis of 23 analysts leads to an average analyst target price of CAD 63.34 for Teck Resources Limited over the next 12 months. This target price represents the price at which analysts anticipate the stock could potentially trade in the future.
The average analyst rating for Teck Resources Limited is categorized as “Buy.” This rating suggests that analysts have a positive outlook on the company’s stock and believe it is a favorable investment option. Reinforcing this positive sentiment, Stock Target Advisor’s own stock analysis of Teck Resources Limited characterizes the company’s prospects as “Bullish.” This analysis is based on the examination of 9 positive signals and 3 negative signals related to the company’s performance and market conditions.
At the last closing, the stock price of Teck Resources Limited stood at CAD 55.43. Over the past week, the stock price has experienced a change of -0.56%. Looking at the stock’s performance over the past month, there has been a decline of -2.27%. However, over the last year, the stock price has witnessed a significant increase of +55.01%.
The analysis from multiple analysts suggests a positive outlook for Teck Resources Limited’s stock, with an average target price of CAD 63.34 over the next 12 months. The “Buy” rating and the “Bullish” analysis reinforce the positive sentiment surrounding the stock. However, as with any investment, it is crucial for investors to conduct their own comprehensive research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

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