Strong Buy
Average AnalystStrong Buy
Top AnalystSlightly Bearish
Stock Target AdvisorN/A
Average UserINR 12,033.50
-137.05 (-1.13%)
INR 478.25B
Stock Target Advisor calculates key financial raios, of all the stocks in our database on a daily basis and then compares and ranks the financial ratios against those of other stocks in the same industries and exchanges. This allows our users to quickly determine how a stock is performing against its peers.
Ratio vs. Industry/Classification (Electrical Equipment & Parts) |
Ratio vs. Market |
Value | Sector Median | Percentile Rank | Grade | Market Median | Percentile Rank | Grade |
Financial ratios do not impart much information on their own unless they are compared against the ratios of similar stocks. Every day we run millions of calculations to determine the pertinent ratios for each stock, and then we rank the stock against the stocks in the same exchange and sector for each ratio and assign a grade based on the percentile ranking based on the table below. Stock Target Advisor’s users can quickly determine where their favourite stocks stand by looking at their grades for key ratios.
Grade | Percentile | Grade | Percentile | Grade | Percentile |
A+ | 97%-100% | A | 93%-96% | A- | 90%-92% |
B+ | 87%-89% | B | 83%-86% | B- | 80%-82% |
C+ | 77%-79% | C | 73%-76% | C- | 70%-72% |
D+ | 67%-69% | D | 63%-66% | D- | 60%-62% |
F | 0%-59% |
This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.
This stock has performed well, on a risk adjusted basis, compared to its sector peers(for a hold period of at least 12 months) and is in the top quartile.
The company had positive total cash flow in the most recent four quarters.
The company had positive total free cash flow in the most recent four quarters.
This is one of the largest entities in its sector and is among the top quartile. Such companies tend to be more stable.
The company management has delivered below median return on invested capital in the most recent 4 quarters compared to its peers.
The company management has delivered below median return on assets in the most recent 4 quarters compared to its peers.
The stock is trading high compared to its peers median on a price to book value basis.
The stock is trading high compared to its peers on a price to earning basis and is above the sector median.
The company has under performed its peers on annual average total returns in the past 5 years.
The total returns for this company are volatile and above median for its sector over the past 5 years. Make sure you have the risk tolerance for investing in such stock.
The stock is trading high compared to its peers on a price to cash flow basis. It is priced above the median for its sectors. Proceed with caution if you are considering to buy.
The company management has delivered below median return on equity in the most recent 4 quarters compared to its peers.
The stock is trading high compared to its peers on a price to free cash flow basis. It is priced above the median for its sectors. Proceed with caution if you are considering to buy.