4689:TSE Z Holdings Corp

JPY 413.30 -6.10 ( -1.45%)

Z Holdings Corp (4689:TSE) Stock Analysis and Price Targets

COMMON STOCK | Internet Retail | TSE

JPY 413.30

-6.10 (-1.45%)

JPY 3,041.33B






Z Holdings Corp (JPY)
JPY 413.30
-6.10 ( -1.45%)


Average Analyst


Top Analyst

Slightly Bearish

Stock Target Advisor


Average User

JPY 3,041.33B


JPY 413.30

Z Holdings Corp (4689:TSE) Stock Forecast


Stock Target Advisor’s own stock analysis of Z Holdings Corp is Slightly Bearish, which is based on 5 positive signals and 9 negative signals. At the last closing, Z Holdings Corp’s stock price was JPY 413.30. Z Holdings Corp’s stock price has changed by -1.45% over the past week, -3.61% over the past month and -14.48% over the last year.

Created with Highstock 5.0.6Analyst Target Price Trends for Z Holdings Corp (4689)Jan2024Feb2024Mar2024Apr2024May2024Jun2024Jul2024Aug2024Sep2024Oct2024Nov2024Dec2024Jan2025Jan2026$0$250$500$750
Past 12 months     Next 12 months
No recent analyst target price found for Z Holdings Corp
Created with Highstock 5.0.6Average Analyst Rating Trends for Z Holdings Corp (4689)Jan2024Feb2024Mar2024Apr2024May2024Jun2024Jul2024Aug2024Sep2024Oct2024Nov2024Dec2024Jan2025SellHoldBuy7172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100
No recent average analyst rating found for Z Holdings Corp

Company Overview Z Holdings Corp

LY Corporation engages in the online advertising and e-commerce businesses in Japan. The company provides LINE, a communication app; and Yahoo! JAPAN, an internet service that offers search, news, weather, shopping, auction, and other services. It also offers reuse, membership, a...Read More


Kioi Tower, Chiyoda, Japan, 102-8282





Adjusted Closing Price for Z Holdings Corp (4689:TSE)


Unadjusted Closing Price for Z Holdings Corp (4689:TSE)


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4689:TSE 1321:TSE
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Frequently Asked Questions About Z Holdings Corp (4689:TSE) Stock

Stock Target Advisor's fundamental analysis for Z Holdings Corp's stock is Slightly Bearish.

4689:TSE stock's dividend yield is 2.60%. Our analysis grades 4689:TSE stock's dividend yield at F. This means that 4689:TSE stock's dividend yield is above 36% of the stocks in the Internet Retail sector in the TSE exchange. Based on this 4689:TSE may be a poor dividend stock for its sector.

Unfortunately we do not have enough data on 4689:TSE's stock to indicate what its average analyst target is.

4689:TSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is 30.13. Our analysis grades 4689:TSE stock's Price / Earning ratio at F. This means that 4689:TSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is above 52% of the stocks in the Internet Retail sector in the TSE exchange. Based on this 4689:TSE may be a overvalued for its sector.

The last closing price of 4689:TSE's stock was JPY 413.30.

The most recent market capitalization for 4689:TSE is JPY 3,041.33B.

Unfortunately we do not have enough analyst data on 4689:TSE's stock to indicate whether its price will go up or not.

We can't find any ETFs which contains Z Holdings Corp's stock.

As per our most recent records Z Holdings Corp has 28,196 Employees.

Z Holdings Corp's registered address is Kioi Tower, Chiyoda, Japan, 102-8282. You can get more information about it from Z Holdings Corp's website at https://www.lycorp.co.jp/ja.
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Stock Target Advisor's Analysis

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like

What not to like

Frequently Asked Questions About Z Holdings Corp (4689:TSE) Stock

Stock Target Advisor's fundamental analysis for Z Holdings Corp's stock is Slightly Bearish.

4689:TSE stock's dividend yield is 2.60%. Our analysis grades 4689:TSE stock's dividend yield at F. This means that 4689:TSE stock's dividend yield is above 36% of the stocks in the Internet Retail sector in the TSE exchange. Based on this 4689:TSE may be a poor dividend stock for its sector.

Unfortunately we do not have enough data on 4689:TSE's stock to indicate what its average analyst target is.

4689:TSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is 30.13. Our analysis grades 4689:TSE stock's Price / Earning ratio at F. This means that 4689:TSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is above 52% of the stocks in the Internet Retail sector in the TSE exchange. Based on this 4689:TSE may be a overvalued for its sector.

The last closing price of 4689:TSE's stock was JPY 413.30.

The most recent market capitalization for 4689:TSE is JPY 3,041.33B.

Unfortunately we do not have enough analyst data on 4689:TSE's stock to indicate whether its price will go up or not.

We can't find any ETFs which contains Z Holdings Corp's stock.

As per our most recent records Z Holdings Corp has 28,196 Employees.

Z Holdings Corp's registered address is Kioi Tower, Chiyoda, Japan, 102-8282. You can get more information about it from Z Holdings Corp's website at https://www.lycorp.co.jp/ja.