Average AnalystUnder-perform
Top AnalystNeutral
Stock Target AdvisorUnder-perform
Average UserUSD 92.91
0.00 (0.00%)
USD 97.90(+5.37%)
Based on the Southern Copper Corporation stock forecast from 3 analysts, the average analyst target price for Southern Copper Corporation is USD 97.90 over the next 12 months. Southern Copper Corporation’s average analyst rating is Under-perform. Stock Target Advisor’s own stock analysis of Southern Copper Corporation is Neutral, which is based on 2 positive signals and 2 negative signals. At the last closing, Southern Copper Corporation’s stock price was USD 92.91. Southern Copper Corporation’s stock price has changed by -4.48% over the past week, -3.57% over the past month and +14.51% over the last year.
Target Price Action | Rating Action | Analyst | Rating | Price | Date |
This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.
This stock has performed well, on a risk adjusted basis, compared to its sector peers(for a hold period of at least 12 months) and is in the top quartile.
The stock has outperformed its sector peers on average annual total returns basis in the past 5 years (for a hold period of at least 12 months) and is in the top quartile.
This stock has shown below median dividend growth in the previous 5 years compared to its sector.
This stock has shown below median earnings growth in the previous 5 years compared to its sector